Fear of jute crisis

Fear of jute crisis

The increasing demand of raw jute in India is causing fear of jute crisis in Bangladeshi jute mills
Jute traders of Bangladesh informed that production of jute has decreased in India. But the use of jute products is compulsory there so increasing demand of jute has been met up by importing from Bangladesh.
It has been informed that India produces 1crore 30 lac bales of raw jute per year.
Except that they import 10 lac bales raw jute from Bangladesh.
Due to hostile weather they fear that the production of jute will be decreased from 75 to 80 lac bales.
According to jute mill sources, 75 to 80 lac bales jute is produced in Bangladesh every year.
Among these, private jute spinning mills collect 35 to 40 lac bales jute;
government mills collect 10 lac bales, private jute mills collect 10 lac bales and the rest exported to India. Bangladesh will face jute crisis if India increase its import this year.
Sources also informed that if India starts to import during the season of jute; the jute price will rise in our country.
As a result, Bangladesh jute spinners association requested the government to stop exporting jute to India.

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